本文旨在将计算机图形学中三维动态图形显示技术的最新成就应用于机械监测和故障诊断系统中去,按熙功能要求,首先建立三维动态轴心轨迹的数学模型,拟定所采用的数据结构,用 Turbo C 及其图形功能设计程序流程框图,解决实现中遇到的难题。最后,介绍演示过程和良好的用户界面。整个应用软件调试成功,为计算机辅助监测和故障诊断系统增添了形象直观的重要工具——三维动态轴心轨迹软件。
This paper discusses the application of the recent achievement of the 3D dynamic graphic display technology(3DGDT)in mechanical monitoring and failure diagnosis.First,the mathematical model of the 3DGDT should be set up according to the function demand,then the data structure to be applied should be determined before the problems in implementation can be solved with the programme flowchart designed by means of Turbo C and its graphic utility.Finally the demonstration process and friendly user's interface are introduced.
Computer Aided Engineering