A Feynman diagram theory for acousto-optic (AO) interactions is established, which provides a general method to calculate the scattering amplitudes and intensities for both single-frequency and multifrequency AO interactions. The method is based on counting the number of allowable Feynman diagrams. The following important assertion has been proved rigorously in this paper. The ratios of the numbers of Feynman diagrams allowable in various Bragg diffractions (isotropic, nondegenerate birefringent, and degenerate birefringent) to that in Raman-Nath diffraction are independent of the number of different acoustic frequencies, being a function only of the order of the Feynman diagram and the diffraction order of the final state. General expressions for these ratios are obtained. Based on this, complete perturbation solutions for the scattering amplitudes and intensities are obtained for any kind of AO interactions, any number of acoustic frequencies, and any final state. This theory gives all results obtained previously by the theory of coupled-wave equation. The theory is also verified by comparing with experiments.
A Feynman diagram theory for acousto-optic (AO) interactions is established, which provides a general method to calculate the scattering amplitudes and intensities for both single-frequency and multifrequency AO interactions. The method is based on counting the number of allowable Feynman diagrams. The following important assertion has been proved rigorously in this paper. The ratios of the numbers of Feynman diagrams allowable in various Bragg diffractions (isotropic, nondegenerate birefringent, and degenerate birefringent) to that in Raman-Nath diffraction are independent of the number of different acoustic frequencies, being a function only of the order of the Feynman diagram and the diffraction order of the final state. General expressions for these ratios are obtained. Based on this, complete perturbation solutions for the scattering amplitudes and intensities are obtained for any kind of AO interactions, any number of acoustic frequencies, and any final state. This theory gives all results obtained previously by the theory of coupled-wave equation. The theory is also verified by comparing with experiments.
This work was partly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
supported by the Joint Service Electronics Program under contract number DAAL03-87-K-0059.