Burn patients were treated respectively with moist exposed therapy (group A) and conventional dry therapy (group B) and changes in body temperature were observed. The difference between the results of the two groups was of statistical significance. Patients with no significant difference in burn area and depth were randomly divided into two groups. 50 cases in each group and were treated with moist exposed therapy and conventional dry therapy respectively. Changes in body temperature were observed for 15 days. On the first to fifth days, patients in group A had higher body temperature. On the llth to 15th days, patients in group B had higher body temperature. The difference was of significance. The authors suggested that patients in group A had higher body temperature at the early stage were due to difficulty in heat radiation. Early liquefaction of the necrotic tissue also caused elevation of body temperature. At the later stage, liquefaction was almost ending and infection was under control, therefore, the body temperature tended to lower. Patients in group B, at the laterstage, had dryness of necrotic tissue and scab had formed. The excretion underneath the scab could hardly be removed and bacterial infection became more serious, therefore, the body temperature of the patients in group B tended to elevate.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers