ORACLE是美国Oracle公司研制的关系数据库管理系统。1986年,ORACLE的RDBMS V5.0版增加了SQL*NET、SQL*CONNECT为内容,使其具有分布式处理的功能。本文以NetWare V3.11环境下的ORACLE(V6.0)为背景,介绍其体系结构,并重点介绍OPRACLE在多种网络系统环境下的分布式数据库管理及相关的支持软件SQL*NET。
ORACLE is the Relational Database Management System Produced by Oracle Corporation in America Since 1986,ORACLE RDBMS Version 5.0 has implemented SQL* NET,SQL * CONNECT,this gave it the ability of distributed processing. This paper introduces the Architecture of ORACLE Version6.0 for NetWare V3.11, and emphasizes the ORACLE distributed database management system, its supporting software on several network protocals.
Computer Technology and Development