自从60年代初美国麻省理工学院一位博士生I·E·Sutherland首次提出CAD(Computer Aided Design)的雏型以来,CAD这门新技术已经历了近30年的历程。目前CAD已发展成为相当成熟的工具,CAD软件作为商品已进入市场。CAD技术的使用极大地提高了产品的质量和缩短了从设计到生产的周期。据统计CAD可使结构设计效率提高1~25倍,绘图效率提高20倍,整个设计周期缩短3~4倍。
AUTO CAD is a superior general interactive software for use with microcomputers. This paper concerns mainly with the making of computer programs using high class languages. OSSAP-CAP is used to generate graphic shifting files in the course of plotting. It has passed the evaluation and come into use after its acceptance by the Bohai Offshore Oil Corporation.
China offshore Platform