应用超微结构技术研究 HPD 加红光对人胃低分化粘液腺癌细胞损伤敏感部位与细胞周期时相的关系.HPD 光敏作用从细胞超微结构损伤中呈现出显著的周期特异性,M 期细胞以核部位损伤比胞质更为敏感。且损伤严重;G_1期细胞以质膜与胞质损伤明显;S 和 G_2期细胞以线粒体和其它细胞器的损伤最为严重,与 G_1期相似但质膜损伤很小.
This experiment was carried out by ultrastructual technique to study the sensitive damage regions of HPD plus red light on human gastric low-differentiated mu- cous adenocarcinoma cells in cell cycle.The results showed that the ultrastructual changes of sensitive regions of HPD on synchronized MGC 80-3 cells were evidently dependent on cell cycle.The damage was more sensitive and serious in nuclear region than in cytoplasm during the M phase.In the G_1 phase the damage of plasmalemma and cytoplasm were ob- vious.In S and G_2 phase,the damage of mitochondria and other organella were found to be very serious,but a little damage in plasmalemma.It has been discussed the machanism of photosensitive toxicity of HPD.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Medical University