60 cases of obstinate epilepsy were operated by the resection of epileptogenic loci under ECoG control were reported. Among these, 39 cases with grand real, 12 psychomotor seizure followed by grand mal, 6-simple psychomotor seizure and 3-semilateral seizure The pathological findings were gliosis or neurocytic degeneration, in 27 cases, obscure microvascular malformation or cerebral atrophy of temporal pole15, the early stage of glioma-11, fibrous proliferation and or scar formation-5, aracknoidal cyst, congenital porencephalia and tuberculosis in case respectively. Good results were obtained postoperatively including reduction of seizures arid violent behaviors, improvement of in telligence and memory, and elimination of epileptic wave on EgG obviously. No operative mortality and postoperative complications were found. The princepleand methods for determining the epileptogenic loci were also discussed in detail,
Chinese Journal of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery