This experiment was designed to obtain direct evidence of human promyelocytc cell line HL-60 differentiation induced by retinoid acid (RA). Exponential growing cells were exposed to Brdu for 6 hours and then were treated with RA for 5 days. As a thymidine analogue, BrdU was incorporated into S-phase cells, the distribution and percentage of BrdU in various kinds of cell nucleus were detected by immunoh-istochemistry with anti-BrdU monoclonal antibody.
The results showed that all the BrdU-labeled cells were promyelocyte in the RA-untreated cells. After treated with RA for 5 days, more that 21% Brdu-labeled cells were differentiated into bandshaped and polymorphonuclear cells.Since these cells were at terminal differentiation and were not able to synthesize DNA, the detected BrdU in their nuclei was derived from unmature labeled S-phase cells. Moreover, the nitroblue tetrazolium(NBT) reducing ability of the RA treated cells was increased when compared to that of the untreated cells.
The growth curves of the RA treated cells further suggest that RA inhibits HL-60 cell growth.
In summary, this experiiment provides evidence in vitro of differentiation of BrdU labeled cells into mature granulocytes RA not only induces differentiation, but also exerts inhibitory effect to the growth of HL-60 cells
Carcinogenesis,Teratogenesis & Mutagenesis