通过1985年至1987年 TOGA 试验,我们获得了不同热带环流条件与大气气溶胶分布之关系。在热带辐合带中,由于雨水的冲刷作用,可使气溶胶浓度值≤10μg/m^3,并且其分布与风速无关,而当无雨的时候,其浓度值可以比有雨时大一个量级。在台风热带环流中,其气溶胶浓度分布在云雨带中是不均匀的。在台风雨带中,气溶胶浓度值<10μg/m^3,而在台风干带中,其值>100μg/m^3。
A relationship between the distribution of aerosols and the tropical circulation under the dif-ferent tropical circulation conditions during the TOGA experiment from 1985—1987 were stud-ied.The concentration of aerosols has a value 10μg/m^3 or less in the tropical convergence zonedue to the rain washout,and its distribution is independent on wind velocity.But,the concentra-tion value under the rainless region in one order of magnitude larger than that under the rainfallzone.The distribution of the aerosols is inhomogeneous in the hurricane circulation.The lower va-lue(<10μg/m^3) of the aerosols concentration emerges in the rainfall zone,and the higher value(>100μg/m^3)in the dry zone.
Journal of Applied Meteorological Science