We report here the successful performance of the stereotactic operation to transplant the fetal neurons into ischemic adult rabbit brain. Fetal serotonergic neurons of raphe nuclei were dissected free 18-20 days embryonic rabbit brain, and they were transplanted gently under stereotactic control into the brain's ischeroic focus. One, two and three months respectively after trans plantation, the brain of grafted rabbits were processed for immunohistochemical detection of 5-HT with specific 5-HTantibody. 5-HT neurons were found in the sites of brain ischemia. They exkibited the morphology of adult neurons, with well developed process (axon or dendrites) extending far fron the injection site. The ultrastructural study disclosed the existence of afferent and efferent synapses in the grafted neurons.
Chinese Journal of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery