
江苏棉花种质资源的收集、保存和利用 被引量:2

A Review of Collection,Preservation,and Utilization of Cotton Germplasm in Jiangsu Province
摘要 回顾了江苏棉花种质资源收集、保存和利用的情况。至1990年底,已收集并保存棉花种质资源1669份,其中陆地棉(G.hirsutum)1000份,海岛棉(G.barbadease)140份,亚洲棉(G.orboreum)200份,草棉(G.herSaceum)10份,野生种31份,陆地棉种系(G.hirsutum race)200份,遗传材料88份。 鉴定出抗黄萎病病指10以下的材料30份,其中陆地棉14份,亚洲棉3份,海岛棉8份,陆地棉种系5份。陆地棉种系和海岛棉的抗黄萎病性最强,其次是亚洲棉,最差是陆地棉。 王善佺和冯泽芳(1923)把亚洲棉品种划成24种类型。这是我国最早对亚洲棉的形态作出的科学分类。对亚洲棉的植物学性状、纤维和种子品质等性状进行了测定。 鉴定出产量、纤维品质、早熟性和抗病性等综合性状较好,具有直接或间接利用价值的海岛棉品种(系)14个。 来自原产低纬度地区的7个陆地棉种系在南京地区自然条件下不能现蕾,9小时光照处理的才能开花、结铃、吐絮。对开始处理的叶龄,以第一真叶时短光照处理为宜。 用浸种、剥壳、土壤消毒和种仁催芽播种的方法,较成功地代替了沿用White培养基培养棉屑(Gossypium L.)野生种。在南京地区,提高棉属野生种开花结实率的技术关键是温度,最适温度为25—30℃。瑟伯氏棉(G.thurberi)、三裂棉(G.trilobum),旱地棉(G.aridum)、拟似棉(G. The collection, preservation and utilization of cotton germplasm in Jiangsu province were reviewed in this paper. By the end of 1990,1669 accessions of cotton germplasm were collected,in which 1000 G. hirsutum ,140G. barbadense , 200 G. arboreum , 10G. herbaceum ,31 wild species,200 G. hirsutum races and 88 genetic markers were maintained. 30 accessions of cotton germplasm were identified to be resistant to Verticillium wilt with disease index below 10, including 14G. hirsutum , 3 G. arbareum , 8 G. barbadense and 5 G. hirsutum races. G. hirsutum races and G. barbadense were highly resistant to Verticillium wilt, while G. arboreum moderately resistant,and G. hirsutum sensitive. G. arboreum was brought into Jiangsu Province long ago. According to leaf shape, petal color, petal spot color,stem color,seed nakedness,lint color,etc. ,Dr. Wang shanquan and Dr. Feng Zefang (1923) classified G. arboreum varieties into 24 types. This is the earliest scientific classification of G. arboreum varieties made in China. 14 cultivars(or strains) of G. barbadense with high lint yield,good fibre qualities,earliness and resistance to disease were identified. ln an experiment,7 races of G. hirsutum originally unable to produce squares under the natural conditions of Nanjing became to bloom and set bolls and mature seeds through a nine-hour short-day treatment. In this experiment the best effects were observed in the one hour short-day treatment beginning just at the expansion of the first leaf. A successful method for the reproduction of wild Gossypium species including seed soaking, removing the seed coat,soil disinfection and germinating with kernels was developed to replace the traditional method with White's culture medium. The key environment factor to enable the wild Gossypium species to bloom and set mature seeds well in Nanjing was the temperature,of which 25-30℃ was the optimum. G. thurberi , G. trilobum , G. aridum , G. gossypioides and G. australe showed immunity to Fusarium wilt,while G. thurberi , G. trilobum , G. aridum , G, australe , G. bickii and G. laxum showed immunity to Verticillium wilt.
作者 承泓良
出处 《江苏农业学报》 CSCD 1991年第S1期30-36,共7页 Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences
关键词 棉花 种质资源 Cotton Germplasm resources
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