本文报告从1986年8月~1987年11月,共做了白内障冷冻囊内摘出术72例(93眼),术中玻璃状体脱出者22眼,占23.76%。并对影响玻璃状体脱出的诸因素如麻醉方法、眼内压、术前(中)用降眼压药物、病人是否合作和术者与助手配合的情况作了分析,发现本组并发症与基础眼压和术者与助配合两个因素较为密切,有显著差异。P 值<0.05.并发现玻璃状体脱出对病者复明增视有极其显著的影响,除裸眼视力低下外,矫正视力≤0.1者占50%,与无玻璃状体脱出组对比 P 值<0.01,有极其显著的差异。
The report is about 72 cases (93eyes) of intracapuslar cryoextraction performed from Aug.1986 to Nov.1987.During the operations,22 cases occurred vitreous prolapse which accounts for 23. 78%.The factors causing vitreous prolapse have been analysed,e.g,anaesthesia method,adminis- trating medicines,intraocular pressure,medicines to reduce intraocular pressure before or during opera- tions,cooperation among doctor,assistant and patient,etc.It is found that of all the above factors two have very close and significant relation,i.e.intraocular pressure and cooperation between opeva- tire doctor and assistant.Their probability is P<0.05.It is also found that vitreous prolapse disturbs the recovery of visual sense and the improvement of eyesight.Correcting defects of vision<0.1 ac- counts for 50% except bared low eyesight,compared with non-vitreous prolapse The comparision of the two groups is P<0.01.It shows that there is remarkable difference between them.
Natural Science Journal of Hainan University