

China's Present Status and Standards Formulation of Motorcycle Emission
摘要 目前摩托车测试中,仪器读数时间以取40s 为宜,此时 CO 比较稳定,HC基本上为一个平均值;取样方法则以职样时排气消声器后面加一个带密封套长600mm 的接管为宜,这样既与国家标准一致,又便于测量;热状态应取以一定转速令发动机空转一定时间后作为依据;目前摩托车的排放限值过严,应予以重新修订。 At present,it is appropriate to take 40s as the reading time on the instrument in motor- cycle testing when CO value is quite stable and the value of HC is basically an average val- ue.When sampling,it is better to attach a 600mm long connecting pipe,with a sealed sleeve at the back of the exhaust muffler,which meet the requirement of national standard and also facilitate measuring.The thermal state should be considered based on the fact that the engine idles for a period of time at a certain speed.Now limits for motorcycle emission are too strict and should be revised.
作者 李培
出处 《摩托车技术》 1991年第5期3-7,共5页 Motorcycle Technology
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