本文研究了环氧树脂粘结的Sm_2TM_(17)稀土永磁体,它与烧结磁体不同的是将熔炼后的钢锭直接固溶处理,时效,粉碎,然后与环氧树脂粘结剂混匀于磁场下压制成型,加热固化。当采用铁含量为23%的SmCo(4.9)Fe_(2.7)Cu_(0.54)Zr_(0.13)合金进行适当热处理及选用一定成型工艺参数时,获得的磁体最佳性能为:Br=0.8250 T,iHc=1034.5 kA/m,(BH)m=127.3 kJ/m^3对磁体稳定性的研究表明,磁体在25~70℃温度范围内的平均可逆温度系数α=-0.03%/℃,最高长期使用温度为130℃以及具有良好的耐酸、碱、盐化学腐蚀能力。
The epoxy-bonded Sm2TM17 REPM was studied. The magnet is different from sintered magnets in the alloy preparation. The ingots were solution heat treated, aged and ground. Alter being mixed with epoxy-binder, the mixture was compacted in the magnetic field and, finally, it was cured. With proper heat-treatment processed and compacting factors being adopted the magnets of SmCo4.9Fe2.7Cu0.54Zr0.13, which contain as high as about 23% Fe, possess the optimum properties: Br=0.825T, iHc 1034.5 kA/m and (BH)m=127.3 kA/m.The stability of the magnets was also studied. It shows that the mean irreversible temperature coefficient a in the temperature range of 25 to 70℃ is -0.03%/℃. The magnets have heat resistance up to 130℃ even in long-term use, and have good corrosion resistance in acid, caustic and salt solutions.
Journal of Iron and Steel Research