本厂承接了BZ 28-1油田的生产储油船、钢轭/支架的建造任务,这是整个油田的一项分工程。生产储油船是一个海上石油处理工厂,甲板上装有原油三级分离系统的油气处理模块、火炬塔模块、发电机模块等多种模块和直升飞机平台。船体结构钢材重量为12100 t的A级、B级钢,钢板厚度主要为13~22 mm。钢轭(Yoke)和支架(Support)是52000t生产储油船和单点系泊装置之间的连接件。此项工程由SBM公司负责详细设计,本厂进行生产设计和安装。
In compliance with requirements for the welding of production storage tanker, 19 welding test procedures were submitted to the AP.S for approval. The pass of evaluation tests for all-position manual welding and automatic submerged are welding solved the welding of high tensile strength structural steel and E grade steel, thus insuring timely start of work and normal building schedules.
China offshore Platform