BZ 34-2/4油田生产储油船是由日中石油开发公司订货,日方代表驻厂监造,在美国船级社入级,ABS派验船师驻厂检验,中国船检局进行法定检验;主船体部份由中方设计,生产模块由日方三菱重工设计制造,单点系泊装置由摩纳哥的SBM公司设计;此外,还有由沪东造船厂订货,涉及亚、欧、美、澳洲10个国家的机电设备,故工作关系较为复杂,其中的技术协调工作尤显重要。
The hull of the production storage tanker was designed and built by the Chinese side while the modules were by the Japanese side. Evidently, compicated and delicate coordinations were necessary for the concerted efforts and smooth completion of the tanker. In the paper, an overview is made on the general arrangement and structure, basic design parameters of public services, equipment procurement and coordinations for piping and electric work, etc.
China offshore Platform