研究了正常猫脑微血管,软脑膜血管和 Willis 环血管内缩胆囊肽(CCK)、神经肽 Y(NPY)和降钙素基因关肽(CGRP)各自的含量谱型。结果表明软脑膜血管和 Willis 环血管有相似的谱型,而脑微血管中三肽呈另一谱型。每种肽在三种血管中的谱型都不相同。猫 MCA 阻断后,脑微血管中 CCK 含量明显下降,而二种大血管中 CCK 明显升高。三种血管中 NPY 均轻度下降。二种大血管中 CGRP 明显下降,而脑微血管中 CGRP 无甚变化。
The content patterns of three perivascular pepti-des(CCK,NPY,CGRP)in brain microvessel,pialvessel and circle of Willis of cats were determinedunder normal and ischemic condition.Results firstshowed that the content pattern of three peptidesin pial vessel was similar to that in circle ofWillis.while,in micro vessel a different peptidepattern was observed.In addition,the distributionpatterns of each peptide in three vessels revealed theirown types.These results may reflgct their physio-logical significanes.particularly,their differentroles in regulation of CBF.After MCA occlution,the content of CCK inmicrovessel was significntly decreased,however.increased in pial vessel and circle of Wllis.NPYcontents were slightly decreased in all three ves-sels.CGRP contents were remarkably decreased intwo large vessels but unchanged in microvessel,suggesting that these peptides in different vesselsmay be together involved in cerebral ischemia butin each own way.
Chinese Journal of Neurosurgery