从事国际运输业的人们对于海运提单(Bill of Lading)(简称提单)早已熟知,对于陆运货运单(简称陆运单)和空运货运单(简称空运单)亦较熟悉,而对于海运货运单(Seaway bill)(简称海运单)则比较陌生。这是因为第一张以现代概念为提单的单证早在十六世纪初就问世了,陆运单则是在十七、十八世纪出现的,空运单的使用也有好几十年的历史了,只有海运单是近十几年才产生的。
Things about seaway bill(W/B)are expounded,such as brief situ- ation of its current worldwide use,its concept,characters and functions, difference between W/B and B/L,and the advantages and method of the use of W/B in practice.Also the author discusses some of the prob- lems caused by W/B.And some opinions are advanced to popularize the use of W/B in China.
Chinese Journal of Maritime Law