本文研究的泡沫钝管海锦标本来自广西合山上二叠统合山组中下部的深灰色生物屑灰岩。主要研究酸处理后的立体海锦标本及其各部构造。在海绵中央腔的内面,发现有规律的与隔壁对应的收缩部位形成环节脊,在环节脊下面有一排大腔孔,环节脊之上有一排小腔孔。在中央腔壁外的孔比腔壁内的孔少而拉长,分布在中央腔内壁上的孔有三种。外壁上的孔,孔径相当于中央腔中腔孔的最小孔径,隔壁上的孔,孔径相当于中央腔中腔孔。外壁孔与隔壁孔的孔径都是大小近相等的,而且分布也较均匀。 在海绵体的表面有时有不太规则的瘤或结,在瘤或结的表面也都有外壁上的孔洞,还有一些不规则的赘生物。
The specimens of Amblysiphonella vesiculosa Waagen and Wentzel described in this paper were collected from dark grey limestone of Heshan Formation, Heshan Guangxi. Writers treated stereoscopical silicified sponge fossils with diluted hydrochloric acid, and studied their various structures. Regular segmental ridges were found in the interior of central tube of Amblysiphonella. A range of big tube pores located below the segmental ridges, there were a range of small tube pores above segmental ridges. There are three pores between segmental ridges, 0.4-0.55 mm; 0.2-0.3 mm; the smallest 0.01 mm; the bigest 0.6 mm, in diameter respectively. The pores of exterior of central tube are fewer and longer than the ones of interior.
The pores of out wall of sponge body are little more than the smallest diameter of medium tube pores. The pores on segmental wall little less than medium tube pores in diameter, these two pores in size are equal and well-distributed.
There are irregular modes (or knots) on the surface of sponge body sometimes, these modes (or knots) have also small pores.