A combined histopathological, mucin histochemi-cal and immunohistochemical study of the transitional mucosa (TM) adjacent to colorectal cancer is presented. Twenty-six resected specimens were studied by hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and high iron diamine-alcian blue (HID-AB). Carcinoem-bryonic antigen (CEA) was demonstrated by peroxi-dase antiperoxidass (PAP) technique. The appearance of the TM is usually thicker, longer and dilated crypts with increased immature and intermediate cells. Variable amount of sialomucins and decrease sulphomucins content as well as increased CEA content are found in the TM. These changes are not seen in non-transitional zone and normal colorectal mucosa. It is suggested that the mucin changes and expression of CEA in the TM may indicate an early primary premalignant changes and may be one of the reasons for the TM affecting the prognosis of patients with large bowel cancer after radical resection.
A combined histopathological, mucin histochemi-cal and immunohistochemical study of the transitional mucosa (TM) adjacent to colorectal cancer is presented. Twenty-six resected specimens were studied by hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and high iron diamine-alcian blue (HID-AB). Carcinoem-bryonic antigen (CEA) was demonstrated by peroxi-dase antiperoxidass (PAP) technique. The appearance of the TM is usually thicker, longer and dilated crypts with increased immature and intermediate cells. Variable amount of sialomucins and decrease sulphomucins content as well as increased CEA content are found in the TM. These changes are not seen in non-transitional zone and normal colorectal mucosa. It is suggested that the mucin changes and expression of CEA in the TM may indicate an early primary premalignant changes and may be one of the reasons for the TM affecting the prognosis of patients with large bowel cancer after radical resection.