The reflection of light ions, such as H+,3He+ and 4He+, with energies of 0.1- 10 keV, from Cu and Ni surface has been studied by Monte Carlo simulation and transport theory. The Monte Carlo simulation gives the detail energy spectra for the reflected particles and their angular distribution for different incident angles. It shows that the reflected particle energy spectra can be approximately described by an analytical formula for the whole energy range, all the incident angles and different ion- target combination studied here. The reflected particle energy vs its average reflection angle to the surface normal can almost be expressed by a universal curve for all cases studied here. The reflection energy spectra are used for the calculation of the reflection coefficient by transport theory including the realistic surface correction. The present work is compared with both experimental measurement and other simulation codes.
The reflection of light ions, such as H+,3He+ and 4He+, with energies of 0.1- 10 keV, from Cu and Ni surface has been studied by Monte Carlo simulation and transport theory. The Monte Carlo simulation gives the detail energy spectra for the reflected particles and their angular distribution for different incident angles. It shows that the reflected particle energy spectra can be approximately described by an analytical formula for the whole energy range, all the incident angles and different ion- target combination studied here. The reflected particle energy vs its average reflection angle to the surface normal can almost be expressed by a universal curve for all cases studied here. The reflection energy spectra are used for the calculation of the reflection coefficient by transport theory including the realistic surface correction. The present work is compared with both experimental measurement and other simulation codes.
The Project Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China