Values of critieal eurrent densityJ。exceeding lo6A·em一2 at 77K and zerofield have been rePorted for thinmagnetlcfllnls ofYBaoCu:O,on sinZle ervstal substrates ofSrTIO:〔l一3)and一MgO(4,5)by manvfeseafCnerS.bllt tne rCSUltS OIJ、)IU一A’cm一IorY廿tU Illms on suoslrale 01 slngleerystal ZrO:(100)have not been found out inPublished PaPers 50 far.Owing to themierostrueture eharacters and highJ。ofYBCO films by contrast with bulk it 15 themost Possible to aPPly the fllms to eleetronicfield first.Therefore it 15 more signifieant toimProve values ofjcsubstrate with betterPIOCeSSJc>