Experimental data of hydrolytic polymerization of lanthanide ions in aqueous solution were treated by graphic method,computer fitting and pq analysis,species present were ascertained and hydrolysis constants obtained.Ln(OH)^(2+)and Ln_2(OH)_2^(4+)predominated in the species of all hydroly- sis products.When the first and the second hydrolysis constants were plotted against radii and ef- fective nuclear charge of lanthanide ions,the curves obtained conformed with the“three-division groups”rule.Correlation between hydrolysis constants of Ln_2(OH)_2^(4+)and other hydrolysis constants is linear. Using the above empirical correlations we calculated hydrolysis constants of all lanthanide ions and obtained satisfactory results which showed good regularity for hydrolysis of lanthanide ions and thus systematized all data of the reaction.
Experimental data of hydrolytic polymerization of lanthanide ions in aqueous solution were treated by graphic method,computer fitting and pq analysis,species present were ascertained and hydrolysis constants obtained.Ln(OH)^(2+)and Ln_2(OH)_2^(4+)predominated in the species of all hydroly- sis products.When the first and the second hydrolysis constants were plotted against radii and ef- fective nuclear charge of lanthanide ions,the curves obtained conformed with the“three-division groups”rule.Correlation between hydrolysis constants of Ln_2(OH)_2^(4+)and other hydrolysis constants is linear. Using the above empirical correlations we calculated hydrolysis constants of all lanthanide ions and obtained satisfactory results which showed good regularity for hydrolysis of lanthanide ions and thus systematized all data of the reaction.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundat ion of China.