The infrared multi-photon dissociation (IRMPD) of acetic anhydride to generate state- selected CH_2 has been investigated by using time and wavelength resolved fluorescence techniques. It has been observed that the generation of the nascent ground state CH_2 (a^1A_1) is delayed by about 0.6 μs relative to the onset time of the excited CH_2(b^1B_1). The relative population of the ground and excited state CH_2 and the onset time for the appearance of the ground state CH_2 have been found to depend strongly on CO_2 laser output fluences. These results appear to have a strong bearing on the structure of the potential energy surfaces of the intermediate CH_2CO. A possible photolysis me- chanism is proposed to explain these experimental results.
The infrared multi-photon dissociation (IRMPD) of acetic anhydride to generate state- selected CH_2 has been investigated by using time and wavelength resolved fluorescence techniques. It has been observed that the generation of the nascent ground state CH_2 (a^1A_1) is delayed by about 0.6 μs relative to the onset time of the excited CH_2(b^1B_1). The relative population of the ground and excited state CH_2 and the onset time for the appearance of the ground state CH_2 have been found to depend strongly on CO_2 laser output fluences. These results appear to have a strong bearing on the structure of the potential energy surfaces of the intermediate CH_2CO. A possible photolysis me- chanism is proposed to explain these experimental results.