Investigation on the meteorite of Boxian, Anhui Province, China has been performed through transparent and opaque minerals, chondrules, Mssbauer spectra, thermoluminescence, chemical composition, isotopic chronology, inclusion, mechanical and paleomagnetic character, etc. The meteorite has 16 transparent and 12 opaque minerals, including a new mineral named Zhanghengite. The meteorite belongs to the chemical group of LL and the transitional rock type of 3—4. The principal textures of chondrules, the formation and evolution of the meteorite have also been studied and discussed.
Investigation on the meteorite of Boxian, Anhui Province, China has been performed through transparent and opaque minerals, chondrules, Mssbauer spectra, thermoluminescence, chemical composition, isotopic chronology, inclusion, mechanical and paleomagnetic character, etc. The meteorite has 16 transparent and 12 opaque minerals, including a new mineral named Zhanghengite. The meteorite belongs to the chemical group of LL and the transitional rock type of 3—4. The principal textures of chondrules, the formation and evolution of the meteorite have also been studied and discussed.