Based on the analyses of various data available of the rümqi River, Xinjiang, it is found that the warming trend of the climate in recent years is mainly accompanied by the decrease in precipitation, discharge, and glacial mass balance. Since the Little Ice Age, the temperature has increased by 0.5—1.0℃, while the precipitation, glacial volume and annual discharge have decreased by 50 mm, 41% and 11%, respectively. It is possible that the trend would last for the next 10—15 years.
Based on the analyses of various data available of the rümqi River, Xinjiang, it is found that the warming trend of the climate in recent years is mainly accompanied by the decrease in precipitation, discharge, and glacial mass balance. Since the Little Ice Age, the temperature has increased by 0.5—1.0℃, while the precipitation, glacial volume and annual discharge have decreased by 50 mm, 41% and 11%, respectively. It is possible that the trend would last for the next 10—15 years.