Antipyrine and metronidazole clearanceswere studied by single sample saliva methodin workers (61) occupationally exposed to ch-loro-dinitrobenzene, chloronitrobenzene, dini-trotoluene and diaminotoluene. Some bioche-mical parameters in serum were studied si-multaneously. The antipyrine and metronida-zole clearances in exposed group were signifi-cantly less than that in control group, sugges-ting that the hepatic microsomal enzyme acti-vities may be inhibited. The antipyrine andmetronidazol clearances in smokers and drin-kers in exposed and control groups were hig-her than that in nonsmokers and nondrin-kers, respectively. Thus, smoking and drinkingmay be inducing factors of microsomal enzymeactivities, there was no difference in GPT andmonoamino oxidase (MAD) levels betweenexposed and control groups. The marked dec-reased ceruloplasmin and increased maloodial-dehyde (MDA) levels in serum were found ascompared with control group. It suggestedthat the drug clearance tests of noninvasiveassessment of microsomal enzyme activities andthe ceruloplasmin and MDA levels in serummay be used as sensitive indexes of medicalsurveillance for workers exposedto aminoand nitro compounds of benzene.
Chinese Journal of Industrial Medicine