本文首次报告褐云玛瑙螺(Achatina fulica)在云南热区自然分布的初步调查结果。分布特点是,沿云南南部与越南,老挝,缅甸接垠的国境线呈带状横向区域性分布。分布于临近北回归线南侧的麻栗坡,马关,金平,河口,景洪和北侧的元江等热区。在香蕉地,石缝中,菜地,橡胶园等生境中散在栖息。随着交通,生产的发展和人群的活动,该螺种在南盘江支流,元江流域和澜沧江流域热区的自然分布依种群数量的递增,有逐渐扩大的态势,作为物种资源开发,有着一定的前景。
This paper first reported that initial investigation results of natural distribution of Achatina fulica in torrid areas of Yunnan. The property of distribution is zone-like along bounda tween south Yunnan and Viet Nam, Laos, Burma. Distribute in torrid areas of Malipo. Maguang, Jinping, Hekou and Jinghong near to north side of Tropic of Cancer. Scattering distribution in banana fields, vegetable fields and rubber plantations. As development of transport and communications and activites of human, this snail natural scattering will trend to enlarge in torrid areas of Lanpan river tributary, Yuan river valley and Lancan river valley. There will be a certain prospect as a species rescouce development.
Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Natural Sciences Edition