It is shown that AC-bsc il lopolarog raph i c titrat ion can be sael usecessf-ully to measure CTMAB TPB and CPC Teiraphenyborate of sod ium (NaTPB)is added to prec ip i tat e CTMAB or TPB or CBC guaat itat iv ely from an agueous s-ojut ion. Af t er fil t ra t ion, h e exiess of NaTPB in the filtrate is titrated with a standard colution. of thallous sulphate,ind the end of titratian is;indicated by the disappearance of the incision of NaTPB on the dE/dT-E Curve.The m-ethod described is rapid ,tecuratle,-ens i t i ve,and convon ient for use.
Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology