在室内8ml水体中含50只毛蚴感染单只钉螺,並不能使钉螺全部形成感染。20 000ml水体中含1~50只毛蚴分别感染单只钉螺,钉螺的感染率随毛蚴密度的递增而升高,呈直线回归关系。100~50 000ml水体中含单只毛蚴及单只钉螺。钉螺的感染率很低或极低。
Not every Oncomelania snail could be infected when a single snail was exposed to 50 miracidia in 8ml water in laboratory study. The infection rate of snail was shown to be increased with the increasing number of miracidia and when a single snail was exposed to 1~50 miracidia per 20 000ml water respectively.the relationship between the infection rate and the number of miracidia showed linear regression, The infection rate of snail was low or very low when only a single miracidium or a single snail existed in 100~50 000ml water.
Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control