链格孢的诱变性检测:19菌株的粗提物在细菌回复突变试验和枯草杆菌DNA重组试验中阳性率分别为85.0%和84.2%,其中10株的SCE试验结果8株阳性,8株中2株同时发生染色体断裂。7个菌株的UDS和DSI试验结果6株阳性。在细胞诱变和转化试验中,D_(10)-a_2粗提粉末诱发了V_(79)细胞的突变和NIH/3T3细胞的转化。链格孢酊产毒素AME和AOH的细菌诱变试验和UDS,DSI试验结果与不同菌株粗提物的试验结果相似。 园弧青霉的诱变性检测:24株园弧青霉中4株用大米培养提取物的细菌诱变试验均阴性,但在SCE、UDS和DSI试验中均阳性。19株用Ranlin-Thom培养基培养,菌液和菌膜分别提取检测,菌液的细菌回复突变试验2株阳性,DNA重组试验13株阳性,菌膜的细菌回复突变试验15株阳性,DNA重组试验5株阳性。4株菌液与菌膜提取物的UDS与DSI试验结果与DNA重组试验结果完全一致。
1. Mutagenic potential of Alternaria alternata
Positive results were revealed in mutagenicity tests with crude extracts derived from 19 strains of A.alternata as : 85% in the reverse mutaion assay; 84% in the rec-assay, 8/10 in SCE test; 2/8 in chromatid breakage. 6/7 in UDS; and 7/7 in DSI.Cell transformation in V79 and NIH/3T3 lines was observed with the extract from strain D10-a2.The results obtained in tests with purified extracts of AME and AOH strains were same as what with the crude extracts.The mutagenic potency of extract of AOH was 4-8 folds stronger than that of the AME strain.
2. Mutagenic potential of Penicillium cyclopium
Four strains were cultured on rice, and with their extracts derived from the
liquid media and membrane separately.Results were all positive in SCE, UDS and DSI tests.
Out of the 19 strains cultrued in Raulin-Thom medium, extracts from the liquid of 13 strains showed positive in rec-assay, and 2 in reverse mutation test. Fifteen extracts out of the nineteen derived from the membrane of the culture were positive in both rec-assay and reverse mutation.In UDS and DSI tests, similar results were observed in liquid media extracts of those strains showed positive in rec-assay ; for the extracts of membrane only four strains were positive.
Carcinogenesis,Teratogenesis & Mutagenesis