摘要黄曲条跳甲[Phyllotreta vittata(Fabr.)]主要为害青菜和萝卜,成虫食叶,幼虫食根;苗期受害,萎蔫枯死,损失极大。作者对黄曲条跳甲的生物学特性作了深入研究。对其生活史,越冬特性等提出了新的看法,在此基础上提出了以合理调整蔬菜布局;辛硫磷颗粒剂处理土壤和消灭越冬代成虫于产卵前的防治对策。为提高药剂防治效果,本文还提出了黄盆诱成虫和淘土法调查发育进度来预报用药适期的方法,简单易行。本文还提供了各虫态发育起点温度,有效积温和过冷却点等数据,以资参考。
ABSTRACT Phyllotrete vittata(Fabr), a kind of wide spread destructive pest causing serious damage on vegetables, mainly on Chinese cabbage and radish, is difficult to control Its imago feeds on leaves and larva feeds on roots causing the vegetables to wilt on-seedling stage and suffer havy losses. The biological characteristics of Phyllotreta vittata were thoroughly studied and a new opinion on its life cycle and overwintering characteristics was raised. On this basis, the authors have put forward a series of controlling measures, such as readjusting vegetadle layout, treating the soil with granular phoxim (octane sulfate of phosphorous)and wiping out overwin- tering adults before ovipositing. In order to raise the controlling efficiency of chemicals, some simple methods such as inducing adults with yellow pot and investigating the development of Phyllotreta vittata with washing soil to predict the proper applying time of chemicals were put forward. And there is also useful data of the starting point temperature for various developing stages of Phyllotreta vittata, the eficient accumlated temperature and over cooling point in this paper.
Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Agricultural Science)
Phyllotreta vittata
Biological characteristics
Strategy for control