流量校准的开合误差问题,是国际流量计量界长期以来未能严格解决的困难问题。本文作者提出的广义开合误差方法(KK方法),解决了这一问题,并得到了实验的佐证。如果说这件事本身是很有意义的话,那末下面一些事实就值得探究一下:1980年本文作者将他方法中的基本公式告知ISO TC30主席斯潘塞先生,1986年斯潘塞的继任者金霍恩先生告诉作者KK方法与英国国家工程研究所的方法“没有任何有意义的差别”(是否真是如此?),同时寄来了发表于1984年第4期《热与液流》上的琼斯先生的一篇论文,但在这篇论文中,作者发现了与他的基本公式几乎完全等同的公式(如此之“巧”?),作者当即去信指出这一点,答复是沉默。
This paper explains KK Method of Flow Calibration which was introduced basically in the papers published in 1974 and 1989, with the comments on Internatianal Standard ISO 4185: Measurement of Liquid Flow in Closed Conduits——Weighing Methed, The New United Kingdom Primary Standard for Water Flowrate Measurement and Esthnating Diverter Valve Corrections. The specific procedure is given to determine the diversion error of the static liquid flow calibration facility accurately and the key points are especially emphasized. It is also pointed out that the uncertainty of a diversion error derived by KK Method is so negligible relatively to the overall uncertainty of the calibration faci- lity that the calibration time can be determined accurately too. The author is confident that the calibration time of the static facilities all over the world may be less than 10s (The author made the calibration time of some facilities ess than 6s in 1962) and so it will be of enormous economic value. The author would like to assist any country (area) in the world to set up some static water Calibration facilities with an uncertainty of±0.1%, flowrate 3m^3/s, calibration time is to flowrate 300m^3/s, calibration time 0.01s.It is pointed out in this paper that the key formula in the paper [3] is equal to the author's basic formula published in 1974 and told in the letter sent to NEL in 1980. A ?cholar who is in a much more important position in the field of flow measurement is criticized seriously due to his morals in science-technology.The author wishes that the circles of science, metrology, flow measurement and even the lawyers would like to research KK Method or help clear such a matter up so that KK Method may be spreaded rapidly and its position and value in science may be discovered thoroughly.
Chinese Journal of Nature