本文用ELISA以12株单克隆抗体(McAb)对55株EI Tor弧菌和用遗传学方法突变的28株霍乱弧菌的菌体抗原进行了研究,同时与四种常规分型方法进行对比试验。用12株McAb可将55株El Tor弧菌分成11种抗原决定簇和18个McAb型,将遗传学方法的突变株分成9种抗原决定簇和10个McAb型。其中一株McAb2B_1H_1F_3能识别所有55株EI Tor弧菌和大部分突变株霍乱弧菌,表明有种的特异性;其余11株McAb与各型霍乱弧菌的抗原反应,均有差异,与这些菌株的反应百分比各不相同(21.0%~100%),表明可能存在着亚型和亚群。文中着重讨论了用McAb研究分析抗原的重要意义和McAb用于诊断的价值。
In this paper,the antigens of both vibrio cholerae on strains of El Tor and on 28 strains obtained with genetieal method were studied by ELISA method using 12 strains McAb against vibrio cholerae (Vco McAb).At the time, this method was compared with 4 routine methods. The results indicated that the 55 strains of vibrio cholerae El Tor were expressed at least 11 (A-K) of the recognized antigenic determinants, and fell into ⅩⅧ(Ⅰ-ⅩⅧ) distinct McAb reactivity typies or groups.From those Vco McAbs,the 'F' could recognized all 55 strains of vibrio c holerae EI Tot,therefore it has capable of species spcificity; others 11 strains of Vco MeAb have a variety of reactivity for antigens on the 55 strains of vibrio cholerae EI Tor in both Inaba and Ogawa, and its percentage of reactivity is variety also separately (21.0-100.0%).This shows that in the strains could have subtype or subgroup. In the paper,the practical value of the Vco McAb against vibrio cholerae in bacteriological diagnosis and the importance to analysis on antigen by the Vco McAbs were discussed emphally.
Journal of Microbiology