Since January 1 988, we have treated 21 large burns with the Moist Burn Ointment. Of them, the largest bum area was 100% (80 per cent of the deep second degree burn and 20 per cent of the shallow second degree burn); the smallest 30%(21 per cent of the third degree burn, 4 percent of the deep second degree and 5 per cent of the shallow second degree). 1 6 of them were cured (the average curing time being 36 days), 5 died.
The article carries-the clinical data and the methods employed, stresses on the discussion of
advantages and disadvantages of the ointment, of the time and area of the application. Importance is attached to the treatment integrating the Chinese medical science with the Western one. combining the use of the ointment with escharectomy and skin grafting. The analysis of the five dead pa-tients indicates that it is necessary to prevent gen-eral complications of the large burn. The research is needed in the field of the amount and the quali-ty of the infused fluids when the ointment is ap-plied.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers