From June, 1988 to October, 1989, 280 burns have been treated in our hospital, 69 of them were treated with the Moist Burn Ointment (24.3%) , the largest body surface area (BSA) was 80%. the average BSA 18.25% 38 burn wounds were cultured, 5 cases in negative; 33 cases (86.8%)- in positive but no septicemia was founded. All of the 69 cases had their burn wound healed except that 5 minor ones were
discharged and treated at home continuously. No skin grafting was needed in the second degree burn, the average healing time of the supersecond degree burn was 1 2.6 days; the deep second degree burn 24.4 days. The stamp skin grafting was used to close the granulating wound in the third degree burn except the dispersed third degree burn in two cases.
The Moist Burn Ointment is considered to be a new type of topical agent of burn wounds, it has the following advantages:
1 The application is painless and easily changed without hemorrage or pain.
2 The ointment decruste rapidly and elimi-nates the phase of eschar separation.
3. The scar left is smooth and clean after the wound healed.
4. It protects subeschar viable tissue and prorates the wound to heal.
5. !t keeps the wound freely cuaineC and thereby inhibits the growth of bacteria
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers