The hand burn is a clinically common condi-tion Because of the fine inner structure of the hand, the therapy we used to apply generally caused functional disorder in treating deep hand burns and thus reduced the work ability of the vicitimns. In 1987, we started to use the Moist, Ex-posed Burn Therapy to treat burns. Since then we have treated 40 burned hands with the therapy and scored a great success. None of the hands had functional disorder.
Its main properties:
The therapy is able to make dead tissue discharge automatically through liquefaction to keep the wound freely drained and to mainiam moisture in the wound so that the wound ran re generate in a moist environment.
When the ointment is applied, th pam stops quickly. The hand is free to move. The regenerated tissue repaires following the activity degree of the hand, which guarantees the function of the haod The ointment has a strong antiinfection function It is a new practical and effective therapy.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers