There is a small number of papers dealing with postburn diarrhea so far We had reatoci 131 cases of postburn diarrhea (1.21 % of the total 10823 cases) in the past 31 years (1958-1989). The etiology analysis showed there were 8 cases (6.1 %) with dysentery, 7 cases (5.34%) with in-fectious diarrhea, 35 cases (26.72%) with altera-tion of intestinal florea, 27 cases (20.61 %) with enteritis due to bacterial infections difficult to identify and 54 cases (41.22%) with their clinical manifestations similar to those of alteration of intestinal florea or enteritis due to bacterial infections difficult to identify, but the laboratory examinations had not been done completely. In this paper, the essential points for diagnosis and prevention and treatment of postburn diarrhea are described.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers