Comparative slaughter and digestive experiments were carried out with 29 grow- tag and 38 pregnant Angora rabbits.By regression analysis,the results showed: (1)the protein(NCP)and energy(NE)contents per gram live weight gain of the growing rabbits could be calculated using following equations: NCP(g/g)=0.095W^(0.0902),NE(Kcal/g)=0.569W^(0.1721)where,W is the live weight after shearing of the rabbits。(2)for the pregnant does,the digest- ible energy and digested protein requirements for maintenance were 114.93 Kcal and 4.68g per kilogram of the metabolic live weight.The utilization efficienci- es of digestible energy were 0.190,0.278 and 0.747 respectively for wool product ion,foetus growth and body gain of the doe,and the efficieneies of digested pr- otein 0.432,0.567 and 0.853 respectively.(3)the heat values of the protein and fat of the rabbit body were 5.747 and 9.266 Kcal/g respectively.