为探讨环颈雉幼雏期饲粮适宜的能量浓度与蛋白质水平,本研究选用240只1日龄环颈雉进行3(ME:2650,2900和3100kcal/kg)×5(CP:21.5,24.0,26.5,29.0和31.5%)二因子交叉饲养试验和代谢试验。试验结果表明,环颈雉幼雉期饲粮添加赖氨酸和蛋氨酸时,适宜 CP/ME 应为90.3~93.3克/兆卡,且适宜 ME 浓度与CP 水平分别不应低于2900kcal/kg 和26.5%。不论饲粮 ME 浓度与 CP 水平如何,环颈雉的增重率模式均相同,即1~14日龄其增重率迅速提高,并在8~14日龄达到最高,此后15~24日龄则逐渐降低。饲粮 ME 浓度与 CP 水平对环颈雉氮沉积量(克/日、只)与代谢能值(千卡/日、只)的互作效应均显著(P<0.05)。氮沉积率随着饲粮 ME 浓度与 CP 水平的提高而分别显著提高与降低(P<0.05)。能量代谢率随着饲粮 CP 水平的提高而降低。
To inquire into optimal diet energy density and protein level,3(ME:2650, 2900,and 3100 kcal/kg)×5(cp:21.5,24.0,26.5,29.0 and31.5%)cross-over feeding trial and metabolism trial were conducted with 240 day old ringnecked pheasants. Results showed:From hatch to 42 days of age,if diet was added with lysine and methionine,optimum diet energy-protein ratio was 90.3-93.3g/Mcal,also dietary ME density and CP level were at least 2900kcal/kg and 26.5%respeetively.No matter how dietary ME or CP Level was,gain ratio in weight was increased from hatch to 14 days of age and decreased from 14 to 42 days of age,also the maximum was attained from 7 to 14 days of age.A interaction between dietary ME and CP for nitrogen rete ntion(g/d)or energy metabolism(kcal/d)was significant.Nitrogen retention rate was significantly increased and decreased with increased dietary ME density and CP le- vel respectively.Energy metabolic rate was deer eased with increased CP level.