

Clinical Evaluation of Dopamine Stress Test
摘要 术文介绍了静脉滴注大剂量多巴胺(DA)时的心电图变化。结果表明,在滴注DA期间及停止滴注后lomin内,18%的患者出现房室传导阻滞(AVB),20.5%出现P波形态或节律点的改变;38.5%的患者在I及(或)V_5导联出现ST段压低≥1mm;60%的患者R_Ⅱ及(或)Rv_5、70%左右患者的T波及U波振幅增加,伴一过性低血钾。拟诊冠心病的13例患者,试验的阳性率为61.5%,高于运动试验及异丙肾上腺素试验,但特异性较差。 Abstract The eletrocardiographic changes during intravenous administration of large dose of dopamine (DA) were evaluated. The results show that the rhythm or the shape of P wave was changed in 20.5% of patients, ST segment depress lmm or more at lead II or/and V_5 in 38.5% of patients; A-V block(ⅡIType) was induced in 18%; amplitudes of T wave in 60% and U wave in 85% of patients were increased, associated with transient hypokalemia during dropping of DA and l0min later. In 13 patienfs of suspicious coronary heart disease, positive response to DA test was shown in 7 cases(positive rate was 61,5%), the sensitIvity of DA test was higher than exercise and isoproterenol test, but the specificity is lower. The mechanisms of these changes were discussed. This test is helpful in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the causes of chest pain, syncope, paroxysmal .A-V block and ST-T abnormality.
出处 《医学研究生学报》 CAS 1990年第2期116-119,178-179,共6页 Journal of Medical Postgraduates
关键词 多巴胺 心电图负荷试验 dopamine electrocardiographic stress test
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