从人血中提取的高密度脂蛋白(?)能使已形成动脉硬化斑块的家兔血管壁恢复正常。静脉注射28mg 高密度脂蛋白,使动脉粥样硬化家兔血清总胆固醇量下降15.8%,沉积到血管壁上的~3H 胆固醇释放到血流中并被清除。家兔喂高胆固醇饲料73天后形成动脉粥样硬化斑块,面积占动脉总面积的15%,同时注射高密度脂蛋白(759mg)的家兔,斑块面积只占动脉总面积的1.6%。已形成硬化斑块的家兔不予处理,36天后斑块面积为68.8%,在此期间注射高密度脂蛋白之家兔,斑块面积为0%,试验结果提示高密度脂蛋白能预防和治疗实验性家兔动脉粥样硬化。
We studied the effect of human high density lipoprotein on experimental athe-rosclerosis in rabbits.The results showed that the human high density lipoprotein can prevent the cholesterolfrom attaching to the intima of arteries,and diminishes the severity of fatty plaques for-mation.For prophylaxis,when human HDL and high dose cholesterol simultaneouslywere admi-nistered intravenously to rabbits,the fatty plaques presented in only 1.6% of the totalarea of arteries as compared to 15% in control animals.With the HDL administered subsequent to the formation of experimental fatty plaques,the histological studies revealed no pathological changes remained,whereas half of the ar-terial intima surface being packed with fatty plaques.
Chinese Journal of Biologicals