The predicting model of Rattus rattoides population dynamics of rice field was studied from Januray, 1987 to December, 1989 in Humen Region, Pearl River Delta. Byquantification theory I, the predicting model was established. Seven ecological fac tors(reproductive index, rainfall, relative humidity, even temperature, farming season, change of crop and seasonal variation)were selected. Based on the t-test of partial corretation coefficient, the main factors which exerted notable influence on population dynamics were reproductive index, Change of crop, farming season and seasonal change. The paper still analysed the data of rainfall, relative humidity and even temperature from Janurary, 1987 to Janurary, 1989 by variance analysis. The result analysed the variation of these factors was no significat differnce befween year and year, but significat differnce befween month and month.
Ecological Science