During 1984 to 1990, a comparative etiologic studyand primary prevention for stomach cancer was carriedout in a high risk area in Zhuanghe County of LiaoningProvince. Because of the increase of consumption of fr-esh vegetables and fruits (Protective factors), decreaseof eating salted pork and fishes which was verified tohave strong mutagenecity (risk factors), acute inflamma-tion and erosions accompanying with chronic gastritis havegot striking improvement. At the same time, serum betac-arotene also raised gradually. The authors stressed thatimprovement of economic situation and dietary habits mayplay an important role in primary prevention of precurso-res of stomach cancer but decrease of incidence of thiscancer is an event of 30 years or more later as the letentperiod of stomach cancer is rather long.
During 1984 to 1990, a comparative etiologic studyand primary prevention for stomach cancer was carriedout in a high risk area in Zhuanghe County of LiaoningProvince. Because of the increase of consumption of fr-esh vegetables and fruits (Protective factors), decreaseof eating salted pork and fishes which was verified tohave strong mutagenecity (risk factors), acute inflamma-tion and erosions accompanying with chronic gastritis havegot striking improvement. At the same time, serum betac-arotene also raised gradually. The authors stressed thatimprovement of economic situation and dietary habits mayplay an important role in primary prevention of precurso-res of stomach cancer but decrease of incidence of thiscancer is an event of 30 years or more later as the letentperiod of stomach cancer is rather long.
Journal of China Medical University
This research was supported in part by a Grant-Aid for Oversea Cancer Research from the Ministry of Education,Science and Cultrue of Japan and reported at the 9th Asia Pacific Cancer Conference(Lahore, Pakistan, 1989) and the 15th International Cancer Co