本文对1000份脐血用高铁血红蛋白还原试验与荧光斑点试验同时筛选,有 G6PD 缺陷的标本再经定量法核实。结果表明广州地区红细胞 G6PD 缺陷基因频率为0.0415,女性纯合子发生率为0.17%,女性杂合子发生率为7.96%,客家人群的发生率与非客家人群发生率无显著性差异,作为筛选方法,高铁血红蛋白还原试验比荧光斑点试验更接近理论估计值,但三种方法都有假阳性和假阴性结果,准确测定 G6PD 活性的方法还有待于探讨。
One thousand cord blood samples were evaluated for erythrocyte G6PD activity by two sreening methods:the methemoglobin reduction test(met-HbRT)and fluorescent spot test (FST).Deficient samples detected by these screening test were then confiremed by quantitative assay. The results showed that the G6PD deficiency sene frequency in Guangzhou was 0.0415. The incidences of female heterozygots and homozygotes were 7.96% and 0.17% respectively.A- mong the male deficient cases,the incidences of G6PD deficiency between those babies with hakkas mothers and nonhakkas were not significantly different.For screening female G6PD defi- ciency,Met-Hb TR was more reliable than FST.The quantitative method of 0joiaand Ayeni was not reliable enoush for accurately determing the female G6PD activity.But there were false posi- tives for detecting female homozygotes and false negatives for detecting female heterozygotes in the three mothods.When compared with the theoretical value determinedby the G6PD deficiency sene frequency.An accurate method for determing G6PD activity remains for further study.
Academic Journal of Guangzhou Medical College
eythrocytic eazyme
glncose-6-phosphatase dehydrogenase
screening test