
A Lower Ordovician Carbonate Contourite Drift on the Margin of the South China Paleocontinent at Jiuxi,Northern Hunan

A Lower Ordovician Carbonate Contourite Drift on the Margin of the South China Paleocontinent at Jiuxi,Northern Hunan
摘要 Carbonate contourite drift at Jiuxi. Taoyuan, northern Hunan, was developed in a deepwater area ofnorthern Hunan on the margin of the Early Ordovician South China palcocontinent. The Lower Ordoviciansequence in the area is more than 350 m thick and contains well-developed contourites that can be groupedinto the following five types: the calcilutitic, the arenitic, the siltitic. the fine ruditic and the bioclastic. Thefirst three often constitute a complete or incomplete contourite succession. The arenitic contourite is nearlyuniformly distributed as interlayers throughout the succession, creating a monotonously rhythmic texture inthe contourite drift. The pattern of spatial distribution of the succession shows that the contourite drift is ahuge ridge-like sedimentary body extending along the trend of paleoslope. Numerous marks of flow direc-tion have pointed to an eastward paleoflow direction along the slope. Carbonate contourite drift at Jiuxi. Taoyuan, northern Hunan, was developed in a deepwater area ofnorthern Hunan on the margin of the Early Ordovician South China palcocontinent. The Lower Ordoviciansequence in the area is more than 350 m thick and contains well-developed contourites that can be groupedinto the following five types: the calcilutitic, the arenitic, the siltitic. the fine ruditic and the bioclastic. Thefirst three often constitute a complete or incomplete contourite succession. The arenitic contourite is nearlyuniformly distributed as interlayers throughout the succession, creating a monotonously rhythmic texture inthe contourite drift. The pattern of spatial distribution of the succession shows that the contourite drift is ahuge ridge-like sedimentary body extending along the trend of paleoslope. Numerous marks of flow direc-tion have pointed to an eastward paleoflow direction along the slope.
出处 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1990年第4期393-407,465-466,共17页 地质学报(英文版)
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