

Preparation of TiO_2 Thin Film with Photonic Crystal Structure and Properties of Dye Cell
摘要 以聚苯乙烯小球薄膜为正模板,采用溶胶-凝胶法拓扑复制出具有光子晶体结构的TiO_2薄膜;利用扫描电镜和UV-vis分光光度计等对其结构进行表征;将此结构的TiO_2薄膜作为电极组装成N3染料敏化电池,用全光谱显微分光光度计测出了吸收与反射光谱,并测其伏安特性。结果表明:成功制备出具有周期性排列有序大孔的光子晶体结构TiO_2薄膜;改善了TiO_2薄膜光吸收和光电转化性能;这种结构的TiO_2薄膜可以增强染料敏化后在可见光范围的吸收强度,相比于同等厚度的普通TiO_2薄膜,可提高染料敏化电池的短路电流和开路电压,改善填充因子和电池效率。 Taking polystyrene as template, TiO2 film thin with photonic crystal structure was prepared by sol-gel method to copy, and SEM, UV-vis spectrophotometer were employed to characterize the film structure. Dye-sensitization cell with N3 was assembled using the TiO2 as electrode, the absorption and reflection spectrum were drawed through full spectrum microspectrophotometer, and the volt-ampere characteristic was tested. The results show that TiO2 thin film with photonic crystal structure could be successfully obtained, which had ordered, large and arranged-periodical pores. The light absorption and photoelectric conversion properties of the TiO2 film were improved. The absorption intensity of the film increased after dye-sensitization in the visible region. Compared with ordinary TiO2 film with same thickness, the dye-sensitized cell assembled with the TiO2 film with photonic crystal structure had higher short-circuit current and open-circuit voltage, and the fill factor and cell efficiency were improved.
出处 《机械工程材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期73-77,共5页 Materials For Mechanical Engineering
基金 上海自然科学基金资助项目(08ZR1410)
关键词 光子晶体 TIO2 染料敏化电池 溶胶凝胶法 photonic crystal TiO2 dye-sensitized cell sol-gel method
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