
FDI知识溢出效应对中国能源强度的区域性影响 被引量:15

Empirical Analysis of the Regional Impact of the Knowledge Spillover Effect of FDI on the Energy Intensity in China
摘要 本文运用DEA方法测算出我国东、中、西部三大区域的全要素生产率,并分解为纯技术效率、技术变化和规模效率,以此作为技术进步的代表量,分析各个区域外商直接投资的知识溢出效应及其对当地能源强度的影响。得出的研究结论为:第一、东部地区外商直接投资的知识溢出效应体现在纯技术效率上,中部地区体现在纯技术效率和技术变化上,西部地区体现在技术变化上。第二,东部地区FDI的知识溢出对本地区能源强度的影响不显著,中部地区FDI的知识溢出提高了本地区的能源强度,西部地区FDI的知识溢出能够显著降低能源强度。本文的政策含义是:东、中部地区应该提高引进外资的技术和能耗门槛,提高外商直接投资的知识溢出效应;西部地区要进一步完善市场经济体制,创造良好的市场氛围,吸引更多更好的FDI,并注重眼前利益和长远利益的平衡。 Using DEA method,this paper estimates the total factor productivity of the eastern,central and western China.It decomposes the TFP into pure technical efficiency,technical change and scale efficiency,which is to be a representative of the technological progress when it analyzes the spillover effects of the foreign direct investment in the three regions.Then,it studies the impact of foreign direct investment′s effect of knowledge spillovers on the local energy intensity in the three regions.It uses panel data econometric methods to empirically test and draw conclusions as follows: Firstly,the eastern area′s foreign direct investment reflects a pure spillover effects of technical efficiency,the central region′s FDI spillover effects of knowledge is embodied in the pure technical efficiency and technological changes,the western area′s FDI knowledge spillover effects is showed in technological change.Secondly,the eastern and central regions′ spillover effects of the foreign direct investment enhance energy intensity insignificantly,while it is significant in the central regions.The western region′ spillover effects of foreign direct investment,however,reduce energy intensity significantly.The policy implication of this paper is: In the introduction of FDI of regional economic development strategy,we must encourage and guide the local government to try to take energy-saving and sustainable way of attracting FDI.The eastern and central region should lift the threshold of FDI in terms of tecnology and enrgy saving to increase the knowledge spillover effects of FDI.The western region should improve the market mechnism and creat a high quality market envinroment to absorb more and better FDI,as well as to balance the interest of short term and long term.
出处 《世界经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第11期69-74,89,共6页 World Economy Studies
基金 "国家自然科学基金资助项目(项目批准号:71073114)" "教育部人文社会科学研究项目(项目批准号:09YJA790157)" 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(批准号20101050102000053)的资助
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