
拉美城镇化陷阱及其对贵州城镇化带动战略的借鉴 被引量:5

Latin American Urbanization Traps and Lessons for Urbanization Drive Strategy in Guizhou
摘要 由于土地分配状况的极端不平等、城镇创造就业能力有限、社会保障制度改革不完善等因素,拉美城镇化过程中出现了收入持续不平等、社会问题突出与经济发展缓慢的城镇化陷阱。贵州已经进入城镇化加速发展和人均GDP进入1000~3000美元的经济社会矛盾多发阶段,应该以拉美国家城镇化为借鉴,以提高城乡居民劳动收入为关键节点,尝试开始覆盖城乡居民社会保障制度试点建设,并加快中小城镇户籍制度改革,实施农村土地使用体制改革,从而实现城镇化带动战略。 The urbanization in Latin America has been trapped in predicament, manifested by continued inequality in income, prevalent social problems and slow economic development due to extreme inequality in land resources distribution, limited ability to create jobs and inadequate social welfare system reforms. Considering the case of Guizhou, the province, with the GDP per capita reaching $1000 - $ 3000, is now entering a stage of accelerated urbanization, a critical period with more occurrence of economic and social conflicts. The lessons from Latin America are of important referential value to Guizhou. It is suggested that the province attach great importance to the income increase of urban and rural population, start pilot projects of social welfare system covering both the urban and rural population, quicken the steps to reform household registration system in small and medium sized towns, and implement rural land use reform. With these measures, it is hoped to promote the local urbanization drive strategy.
作者 陈厚义
机构地区 贵州财经学院
出处 《学术探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期11-15,共5页 Academic Exploration
关键词 拉丁美洲 城镇化陷阱 城镇化带动战略 借鉴 Latin America urbanization trap urbanization drive strategy lessons
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