
海外社区信息学的专业教育与研究现状 被引量:4

The Review of Education & Research of Community Informatics at Abroad
摘要 社区信息学是研究利用信息与通讯技术(ICTs)促进社区发展的相关问题的学科。自20世纪90年代末成为一个独立的研究领域,社区信息学在世界各地,尤其是在发展中国家弱势社区的社会经济发展支持方面得到广泛应用。随着实践案例积累的日益丰富,社区信息学的教育和研究不断发展,从专业教育、专著、期刊及机构网站等方面,可看到其学科建设正在逐步完善。 Community informatics is a research field with focus on the research and practice of utilizing ICTs to promote the communities. After being set up at the later 1990s, community informatics has contributed to community development around world, especially benefited the disadvantaged community. While the practical cases piled up, the theories of community informatics also accumulated. The disciplinebuilding of community informatics is ongoing all around the world, which embodied by professional education, special institutes and organization websites, monographs, and related journals.
作者 胡立耘
出处 《大学图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期11-18,共8页 Journal of Academic Libraries
基金 国家社科基金资助 项目名称:民族地区口承文献的保护与利用研究 项目批准号10BTQ027
关键词 社区信息学 ICTS 信息与通讯技术 学科建设 Community informatics ICTs Information and Communication Technology Disciplinebuilding, Education
  • 相关文献


  • 1Williams K,Durrance J C. Community informatics. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences (3rd ed). Taylor &Francis, 2009.
  • 2The convergence of community informatics and library and information science: the impact for library users. [2011-05-12]. ht tp://www-old, inib. uj. edn. pl/wyd_iinb/s3 z5/hagar-n, pdf.
  • 3Special topics in information studies: introduction to community informatics. [2008-09-10]. http://davidley, user. openhosting. com/ci-course/index, php/Main_Page #CI_Course.
  • 4LIBR 548H: Community informaticscourse description (3). [2011-05-12]. http://www, slais, ube. ea/courses/coursdes/ libr/libr548h, htm.
  • 5Certificate in Community Informatics. [2011-05-12]. http:// www. lis, illinois, edu/academics/programs/ms/cii.
  • 6The Community Informatics Initiative (CII). [2011-05-12]. http://www, cii. uiuc. edu/.
  • 7Community Informatics Corps, LIS 490CIC. [2011-05-12]. http ://www. gslis, org/wiki/49OCIC_fall2007.
  • 8Community Informatics (CI) Specialization. [2011-05-12]. http://www, si. umich, edu/msi/ci, htm.
  • 9Community Informatics Related Courses. [2011-05-12]. http ://cic. si. urnich, edu/blogs/seramard-eourses.
  • 10Community Informatics Initiative-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. [2011-05-12]. http ://cic. si. umich, edu/.


  • 1Gurstein M. What is Community Informatics (Why Does It Matter) . Milan: Polimetrica, 200"/ (1]): 36-3?.
  • 2Bourgeois D. T, Horan T. A. A Design Theory Approach to Community Informatics: Community-centered Development and Action Research Testing of Online Social Networking Prototype. I~ttp= //cijoumal. net/index, php/ciej/article/ viewPDFInterstitial/308/333, 2012-08-28.
  • 3Campbell N D, Eubanks V. Community Informatics as a Pathway to Social Change . http: //www. brillomag, net/ COPC/CI/, 20]2-08-28.
  • 4Community Informatics Related Courses. http= // cic. si. umich, edu/blogs/seramard - courses, 20]2 - 08 - 28.
  • 5Community Informatics Initiative-University of Illinois at Urba- na-Champaign, http: //cic. si. umichl, edu/, 2012-08 -28.
  • 6Certificate in Community Informatics. http: //www. lis.illinois, edu/academics/programs/ms/cii, 2012 - 08 - 28.
  • 7The Community Informatics Initiative (CII) http: //www. cii. uiuc. edu/, 2012 -08 -28.
  • 8GursteinM. Is There a Wireless Community Informatics. Journal of Community Informatics, 2008, 4 (1): 2-6.
  • 9Information School, University of Washington . http: // ishool, uw. edu/, 20]2 -08 -28.
  • 10Gurstein M. What is community informatics (and why does it matter)? [M/OL]. Milan: Polimetrica, 2007 [2010 -10 -15]. http ://eprints. rclis, org/archive/00012372/01/WHAT_IS_COMMUNITY_INFORMATICS_reading, pdf.









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